I can't believe I have gone so long without posting. Almost two weeks. That is a long time. I really want to be better at the regular updates but I have been a little busy. With all of the working, the Young Women activities, taking care of things around the house, oh yeah, and taking care of the kid. It just takes all of my energy. Unfortunately, I have to pay a little less attention in one area and I chose the blog. I think I might try to get into the habit of doing one post a week for certain. I will post during the week if something exciting happens or I have exciting news, but I will definitely set time aside once per week. What do you think?
Well, now that we have that out of the way I can get to the update from the last two weeks...if I can remember that far back. May 4 I left Walter home with the baby. This was a Friday night, which is traditionally date night, but I had to chaperon the Youth Conference for the 14-17 year-olds at church. I had a good time. Some of the youth from our ward (including Bobby and Bryce who are no longer youth but don't have much else to do) have a band that played during dinner. It was great to see them up there and they did a great job. I could never have gotten something like that together at their age. Forget the fact that I couldn't play an instrument if my life depended on it, I just wouldn't have the wherewithal to organize it.
The next day was filled with shopping, a baby shower and getting Alexis (Renee's daughter) ready for the prom. She looked so pretty. I was in charge of hair. Actually, I was in charge of a dress, shoes and jewelry earlier that week, but that day it was just hair. I have never dealt with so much hair. If you want some tips on growing a lot of hair, ask Alexis. I finally managed to tame it and it turned out pretty well. There isn't much to talk about in regards to the baby that weekend because he was passes back and forth between Walter and I quite a bit and was really a trooper.
I must interject a bit of upsetting news. It is not upsetting for anyone but Walter and I really, but I still want to share. Our neighbors moved last week. Their names are Justin and Anji. They were great neighbors. They would visit with us, keep an eye on the house if we were out of town, never loud, just all around good neighbors. We used to have good neighbors on the other side of us as well, but they moved in December and the crazy lady moved in. She uses our trash can, complains if you park in front of her house and lets her dog use our front yard as a lavatory. That is just not okay. Her dog was in our yard on Sunday, May 6 when Walter was having an Elders' Quorum meeting. One of Walter's counselors comes walking up the front and her dumb little dog with the bandanna around it's neck tries to bite him. I understand that the dog was trying to be protective of his yard, but he wasn't in his yard, he was in mine. So anyway, the experience with this new lady has made us a bit leery of new neighbors moving in. I am hoping for the best, but if the lady that was looking at their house who had the HUGE tattoo on her arm is any indication of what is to come, I don't think I will be very happy.
Things settled down a little last week and I got to spend more time with just the baby and I. He is doing the weirdest things these days. He grinds his teeth now. That is a noise that bores into your skull. He only has three teeth, but he learned how to grind them. Ugh. He has also become a little bit of a sleep stripper. I have gone into his room twice in the last week to pick him up from a nap and found him without pants. Yesterday he took his pants off and threw them into the middle of his room. Why? I don't really know. He has started saying "dada" and "nana". I think nana is supposed to be mama which is close enough for me. I don't know if he understands that I am mom and Walter is dad or if he just likes the fact that I clap and get excited when he says nana to me. I just figure that wishful thinking is probably the best way to go on this one.
Oh, one more thing before I scurry off to get ready for work. I had my first official Mother's Day on Sunday. It was great. Walter and I picked out a new dining room set on Saturday. That is my Mother's day/Birthday present. I am very excited for it to actually come in. The tentative delivery date is my birthday so I hope it comes in then. Walter made me stuffed french toast for breakfast. It was delicious. He usually has meetings Sunday mornings but they were cancelled for Mother's day so he got to stay home and take care of breakfast and getting the boy ready for church. I don't know if I expressed this quite enough that day, but I have a wonderful mother and a wonderful mother-in-law. I am truly grateful for both of them and all that they do for our family.
I must go now. Obligations await.
Little feet during a nap.
Ready for his Nascar debut at Lowe's.
Being destructive. As usual.
Festive Fun
8 years ago
i totally share your pain with the mass known as alexis' hair. its overwhelming. i want to see pics of prom though. i took on the challenege of straightening her hair for mormal. that was rough :) but we did it. and it worked. baby is cute, glad you had a good mothers day!! see you in less than 2 months
I call Alexis's hair "the jungle" cos Andi get lost and tangled in it ;)
um.... that was not supposed to be posted as mom
I remember.....(are all of my comments going to start this way? It makes me feel very old! :)) Anyways....I remember when Kevin was about 18 months....my husband was videotaping him and he was saying to 'Daddy'...."Mom,mom" sooooo even @ that age...Kevin thought we were both Mom. :) It is a very cute tape. :) I'm glad you had a happy mother's day....i had one of my best in a loooonnnggg time.
Great, Aunt Teresa
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