Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In the absence of exciting news

I feel bad sometimes when I don't update the blog. I feel as though I am letting you all down. My fan base is pretty limited but I still feel that I owe it to my family and friends to write something. Unfortunately, there isn't much to write about right now.

Little Walter is still teething. Tooth number two should be in any time now. Husband Walter is still going to school and is getting more and more eager to be done. He will be able to do his last two classes online this summer and will not actually have to attend campus. That is a great blessing. I am still doing the same things I always do and they aren't particularly thrilling.

That's all. No life changing news. No funny anticdotes. Nothing really.

I suppose you can all take comfort in the fact that I don't have anything bad to report.

I promise that as soon as something exciting happens I will let you know.

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