Friday, May 22, 2009

Other Pics

Little Walter playing with Ellie on her play mat.

Another cute picture from the father and sons' camp out.

She is doing pretty well with her tummy time. I can even get her to smile during the tummy time occasionally.

She was a little sleepy and really didn't care where I laid her down.

Little Walter is such a good big brother. The batteries had died on Ellie's swing so he decided to lay on the floor and use his foot to push her while he watched something on tv.

1 comment:

chloe's clan said...

I can't believe how much your kids have grown! They look so different. :) I think Josh and Hannah are going on a daddt/daughter date tomorrow to Build-A-Bear. She earned it for being good and collecting stars. It seems crazy they are old enough to do big kid things now doesn't it? Sorry we passed yoru b-day by with out having a baby. :) I hope you had a lovely day. Take care!