In case you have been wondering how we have been doing. We're fine. Little Walter is still full of energy and spent his morning harassing the other kids at play group. Yep, that was my boy locking people in the play house and having a slapping fight over a Care Bear. What can I say? I am pretty sure he gets it from his father.
For those of you that don't know I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I know many of you know because I find it calming to complain about it on a regular basis. This means that for the rest of my pregnancy (a mere 26 weeks or so) I will have to watch everything I eat and test my blood 4 times a day. I am allowed approximately zero good desserts. I can have anything sugar free, in moderation of course. Unfortunately, the sugar free desserts do not appeal to me at all. I have been trying them (ice cream, jello, pudding, etc.) and it isn't working. I also only get fruit the second half of my day. This isn't too bad but I would occasionally like a banana in the morning or maybe a peach, strawberries, anything. And, the hardest part of all is the lack of carbs. I get anywhere from 15 to 45 carbs depending on the meal or snack. Did you know that one serving of Freschetta frozen pizza in 48 carbs? A piece of bread is 20ish carbs which means a sandwich is 40ish carbs. That means that regular sandwiches are pretty much out.
It hasn't been fun or terribly easy but I am pulling through...I think. The bad part is that even though I have been good about my sugars and carbs, my sugars have still been high the last three mornings. I was told to keep up with my testing through the weekend and if they continue to be high then I will be put on injectable insulin next week. I am hoping that my pancreas will kick into gear and this won't be necessary but we shall see.
That is my latest update. Everything else is still right on track. I am still able to wear my normal jeans and at the end of the day, that makes me really happy. : )
Festive Fun
8 years ago
see, I told you you'd find an up-side to the annoying diet. Being able to wear normal pants for a record length of time during pregnancy would be a huge bonus in my book, maternity pants are dumb!
Yuckie for you! I was border line with my last two but I was not as good as you are! I hope you don't have to have the shots. Hang in there.
Good luck with that! Sheesh I feel bad for you! I've been counting calories and working out like crazy...but I still get my sugar in. :() We miss you guys! Take care!
Oh, gee... Wish you luck! I can't go one meal without eating some form of carbs. It's hard. I tried that diet just for the heck of it and I gave up that same day(lol).
I had my G.D. test done later in my pregnancy(26weeks)with Caylee and I tested positive so they did the 3 hour one and luckily came out negative.
I hope you are not still nauseous...
Hey Stef-Sorry to hear about the fun diabetes thing. I had to do that with Caleb. Loads and loads of pure joy. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Stef, I will forego my plans to send you that 5 lb box of See's. The Dewar's delivery is off the table too. Steve Austin.
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